Functional Medicine & Acupuncture
Each patient and each case is unique. We listen, then we treat.
A Perfect Blend of Eastern and Western Medicine using State-of-the-Art Lab Testing
Acupuncture • Micro-Needling • Prolotherapy • Trigger Point Injections
Located in Westminster, Colorado
Meet Dr. Bret
Dr Ellington's goal is to give the best care possible, while taking the patients needs into consideration. For some patients, that means treating the symptoms and letting them get back to their busy lives. For others, it entails doing a deep-dive discovery and getting to the root cause of their illness. It's important to serve the patient, in the way they want to be treated.
With over 20 years in the health field, Dr Ellington has treated a wide variety of conditions. He personally employed, trained and mentored over 100 acupuncturists. His goal was always about helping them become the best they could be and emphasizing the skills taught in his clinic are transferable to wherever they go in the future. Dr Ellington has contracted with five rehabilitation centers, treated patients from Survivors of Torture International, acted as an expert witness for malpractice cases and spoke at medical schools, educating Western medical practitioners about acupuncture.
Educational accomplishment:
Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Master of Science, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP)
Diplomate in Acupuncture (NCCAOM)
Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Clean Needle Technique Certified
Certified by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA)
Certified in Micro-needling
Advanced Certification in Facial and Cosmetic Acupuncture
LightStim Certification
Colorado and California Acupuncture Licenses
Inner Balance Acupuncture, in Westminster Colorado, offers many ways to treat pain conditions. Well-versed in Eastern and Western modalities, Dr. Ellington has an extensive background in treating orthopedic conditions and has a 95% success rate in treating migraines and TMJ disorder, with a reduction in intensity, duration, and frequency. For pain relief, we can use the following:
Red Light Therapy
If you're looking to reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, remove blemishes, lift sagging skin and give your skin a more youthful appearance, micro-needling at Inner Balance Acupuncture is your answer. Our Westminster, Colorado clinic offers a superior service using top-of-the-line, professional-grade serums and one of the market's best red light therapy units (LightStim). Combining these in a pampering treatment creates a wonderful experience while you dramatically change your skin's appearance. Micro-needling is a safe and effective way to make lasting changes to natural beauty. Cosmetically, we offer the following beauty regimes:
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Dermal Fillers (Collagen, MADE)
Red Light Therapy
We offer a variety of injection therapies at our Inner Balance Acupuncture clinic, located in Westminster, Colorado. We offer weight loss, pain relief, cosmetic enhancement, energy boost and immune boosting.
Injections offer:
Trigger-Point Injections - muscle tension, joint pain
MICC Injections - Lipotropic agent used to burn fat and boost energy
B12 Shots - boost energy, promote nerve function, balance/increase metabolism, brain health, mood enhancement
Prolotherapy - Pain relief in joints and muscles, support tendons and ligaments
Dermal Fillers - Fill in fine lines and wrinkles
Vitamins and Minerals - Various conditions
Menu of Services
Prolotherapy Injections
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Dermal Fillers
Infrared Light Therapy
Have questions? Feel free to contact us!
Inner Balance Acupuncture
Dr Bret Ellington DACM, LAc
2000 W 120th Ave, Suite 13
Westminster, CO 80234